I am offering a training course which will introduce you to the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT), a scheme that was adopted by the IUCN as an official Standard in 2020. The course will take place online from 12-14 April 2021 – it is a full time course with some set live contact sessions on zoom, but you will mainly be working through the materials in your own time. All the training materials will be available online for the duration of the course.  

Course content 

The IUCN Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) assesses the magnitude of environmental impacts caused by alien (introduced, non-native) species on native biota in their introduced ranges. This course aims to provide training on the IUCN EICAT, which was accepted as a global IUCN Standard in 2020. It consists of multiple modules with several lessons each on the rules and standards used for IUCN EICAT assessments. In this curriculum, you will learn about the IUCN EICAT assessment process and how to compile a transparent and scientifically robust IUCN EICAT assessment. 

Please indicate your interest in the course via email to Siyasanga Miza

(s.miza@sanbi.org.za) by 18 February 2021. 

Dr. Sabrina Kumschick, course teacher 
Senior Researcher at the Centre for Invasion Biology, Stellenbosch University, South Africa