NSCF MSc bursary recipients

The NSCF has awarded bursaries to four MSc students for their projects in taxonomy. The following students were the first recipients of the bursaries: Anke De Smit University of the Free State. Project title: Taxonomic and ecological survey of Nematodes from...
NSCF Launch

NSCF Launch

The NSCF was formally launched in the evening of the 17 October 2017 at Alpine Heath in the Drakensberg. Dr Daniel Adams, Chief Director for Research Infrastructure at the Department of Science & Technology, Dr Rampedi Mosibudi, CEO of SANBI, Mrs  Mrs...
NSCF Forum

NSCF Forum

The NSCF held its first Forum from the 18-20 October 2017 at Alpine Heath in the Drakensberg, KwaZulu-Natal. The Forum was attended by more than 150 staff from 16 institutions. The Forum Programme and the presentations by the participating institutions are provided...