We would like to believe that our first virtual forum was a success. This is based on our own experiences as well as the attendees feedback on the feedback forms.
Organising a virtual forum that was interactive for over 150 people that are scattered all over the country took a whole lot of courage, team work and faith from the Hub team; and the short notice of only four weeks to plan added to the challenge.
We had initially planned to appoint an external service provider for technical support and hosting. This way, the Hub team would be able to participate in the Forum. However, the service provider quoted way above the allocated budget. This made us realise that finding a service provider within our budget would be near impossible, and we almost unanimously decided to do it ourselves…yay!
Our minds were ready for anything; hardwork, things going wrong, mistakes, working overtime…all of it. What caught us off-guard was just how difficult it would be to get all the content together in time; and weak internet when we needed it the most.
Despite all challenges, we are so proud of the Hub Team and of the NSCF Community for this achievement. Thank you to all of you who contributed and participated! And thank you for being willing to learn new skills to put your institutional videos together. All the videos are now available on Youtube as one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBXL2A9kiLU&t=76s
We also cannot forget our beloved facilitators (Desiree Paulsen and Ilze Olckers) who held the space so tightly and peacefully. We would not have been able to do all this without them.
AfroStory Gift
Fulu sent out vouchers to everyone who registered to receive free access to the AfroStory App, which gives them access to 50 South African books by 50 South African authors.
We must apologise to non-Android user (iPhone users) that the app is not available on iphone app store. Please keep your vouchers with you while we enquire from AfroStory.
Congratulations to winners and runner-ups of the photographic competition
We ran the photographic competition before and during the Forum, and we were able to see the most beautiful, ugly, funny and iconic specimens in our different institutions. What fun this was.
The second runner-ups
The most beautiful specimen: Jarmaine Magoai for the Convolvulus hawk-moth
The most iconic specimen: Bernhard Zipfel for the Taung Skull
The ugliest specimen: Louanne Kirton for the Coelacanth type specimen
The funniest or funny-looking specimen: Ronny Nokha for the Rhadomys
The first runner-ups
The most beautiful specimen: Marinda Koekemoer for the Frog on Nymphaea
The most iconic specimen: Nonkoliso Mgibantaka for the Carcharodon carcharias (Great whit shark)
The ugliest specimen: Maxine Manickum for the Ugliest plant specimen
The funniest or funny-looking specimen: Nonkoliso Mgibantaka for the Arothron stellatus (Puffer fish)
The winners
The most beautiful specimen: Kerry Hunter for the ‘2 in 1’ mollusk – Gemmula kieneri with Malluvium lissum
The most iconic specimen: David Allan for the Dodo skeleton
The ugliest specimen: Nonkoliso Mgibantaka for the Antennarius Senegalensis (frogfish)
The funniest or funny-looking specimen: Charles Carter for the Tongue-in-cheek (cheeky) display
You will receive your prizes in the coming weeks.
See the pictures below.