Book | Mobile Museums

Book | Mobile Museums

Anne-Lise Fourie, SANBI This book presents an argument for the importance of circulation in the study of museum collections, past and present. Bringing together international researchers from a wide variety of disciplines (including the history of science, museum...
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sanelisiwe Miya, SANBI KZN Herbarium VERBAL harassment includes: comments about clothing a person’s body sexual or gender-based jokes or remarks requesting sexual favours, or repeatedly asking a person out sexual innuendos threats spreading rumours about a...
Gems of the Oceans

Gems of the Oceans

Kerry Hunter, Photographic Competition Winner: The most beautiful specimen Special facts about the ‘2 in 1’ mollusk – Gemmula kieneri with Malluvium lissum Just over 3 months ago, this little member of the Turridae family (sea snails and marine gastropod...