Bsc Biological Sciences: UKZN (Westville)
Q: What inspired you to make this career choice?
A: I am a young Afrikan person who is passionate about his continent. That’s the main reason I fell in love with science. Botany and Zoology was what I wanted to pursue because of the state of Afrika, in terms of having issues with food security. So in my head I had always wanted to do something along those lines, either crop production or anything that deals with livestock so as to a provide sustainable food source to our people.
Q: Give a brief description of what your job entails
A: So initially at university that is what I was going for, but when I finished my studies I was introduced to museums, which was a different career path I have to mention. When I got there I was exposed to many other aspects of science. This exposure eventually led me to a different career path. I am now a research technician who deals with data management of the different collections (Entomology, Mollusca, Oligochaete etc.) that we have at our Natural Science Department at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum (KZNM).
I was inspired by where the world is going, which is data science and it was a space that I felt I can contribute to the world without having to travel in order for information to be shared. My work tries to ensure that the collections data is kept in the best manner possible in terms of the World’s Best Practice standards.
Q: What is the most exciting aspect of your job?
A: What I mostly enjoy about my work is the interaction with different collections and their researchers. Being a member of a global community that strives to make data available to everyone in the world through data-sharing platforms such as GBIF. This is good because an open access platform makes sure that no one is left behind: from an internationally-recognized researcher to a mere student that might be looking for data for his first paper.
Q: What advice would you give to young people considering a career within Scientific Collections Management?
A: I would urge young people to consider a career in collections management because it is a fun space to be in and one gets to learn all the time. If we do not want to look after our precious collections, who do we expect to do that job for us? The best thing young people can do is to “own their space” and the information that comes with such spaces.
Q: What does Leadership mean to you?
A: The possibilities are endless. We must take leadership in our own hands. Try to shape the present in the manner we want, in order to have the future we envision. As a country we have a leadership crisis, but it up to us to define our destiny as a country, continent and the world.