Qualifications: Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences
Q: What inspired you to make this career choice?
A: When I was a child, I wanted to be a Doctor, like many other kids from my hood. But things don’t always go according to our plans. In high school I had done Science subjects and loved Physical Science, despite it being challenging. I loved it because it taught me so much about how the world around me operates. I didn’t let my not getting into Medicine dampen my spirits and decided to pursue a degree in Science, as I had a passion for it anyway.
Q: Give a brief description of what your job entails.
A: I am managing SAIABs Biobank, ensuring all the policies and procedures are being followed. I am responsible for all international and national DNA Tissue loan requests. I also catalogue new and old DNA Tissue samples into our database system called SPECIFY.
Q: How does it contribute to Collections Management?
A: The Biobank plays an important role in genetic research and is part of the collection as it contains biological/tissue samples. It contributes just as much as the voucher specimens.
Q: What is the most exciting aspect of your job?
A: It is when people get good results from DNA extractions they perform on Tissue samples I gave them.
Q: What advice would you give to young people considering a career within Scientific Collections Management?
A: The advice that I would give them is that they must work hard. And nothing is impossible.
Q: What does Leadership mean to you?
A: It means that a leader must take ownership of tasks/projects and see to it that they are completed well. Also, a great leader has a way of supporting others which in turn, makes them more productive and effective.