Qualifications: BSc Biological Science and BSc Hons Zoology
Q: What inspired you to make this career choice?
A: Unlike most people, I was never even aware of collections and the kind of career opportunities in it. I only knew more about them through my mentor and I fell in love with the kind of work done in them through him.
Q: Give a brief description of what your job entails.
A: I work as a research assistant. We are incorporating a collection from one of our sister institutes into our collections. For us to finalise everything, we go through a series of steps. We first accession all the specimens to be processed, then we transfer them from propanol or formalin to ethanol preservation as per Best Practice methods. When ready, we catalogue or edit their information using SPECIFY database. Then from there, they are ready to be shelved and be part of our institution’s collections.
Q: How does it contribute to Collections Management?
A: Directly, my job contribute in growth of the collections. We are incorporating a very old collection so one of the contributions is the curation of the collection. We are also making the collection easily accessible through our database.
Q: What is the most exciting aspect of your job?
A: The most exciting aspect of my job is working with different fish specimens, some that I had never even imagined exist and, of course, the humour-filled company of my colleagues that I look forward to on daily bases.
Q: What advice would you give to young people considering a career within Scientific Collections Management?
A: I would advise the young people to do their research well so that they do not find themselves working in a collections institution that works with animals you fear, or plants you are allergic to.
Q: What does Leadership mean to you?
A: To me, leadership means accountability and respecting the other person’s values and contributions to your union, even when they do not reciprocate the respect for you.