Shanelle Ribeiro, NSCF Hub
Institutional outputs for the first quarter (April to June) of the financial year were reported as follows:
Comparison of outputs Quarter 4 of 2020/21 and Quarter 1 of 2021/22
The comparison shows that most outputs increased, except for the following:
- number of DNA samples added (Q4: 67; Q1: 0)
- number of data records provided to external users (Q4: 22 794; Q1: 8 669)
- number of specimens imaged (Q4: 36 171; Q1: 24 123)
- number of new species described (Q4: 69; Q1: 27)
- number of papers published (Q4: 99; Q1: 57)
number of students trained in the collections (Q4: 94; Q1: 17)