Fulufhelo Tambani, NSCF Hub
I was sitting in front of my computer, searching through different keywords on google, trying to find the perfect thing to use, to wish all NSCF women a happy women’s month.
I then came across this poem by Maya Angelou, first in written form, and finally in video. The video made the words make so much sense; her facial expressions, body language and that laugh of course.
As a woman, a young woman, this poem spoke to me. This is why: We go through so much as women, in the different spaces we find ourselves in. At work; at home (as a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister); at church; and in society.
There are many expectations that come with being a woman. A lot is asked of us. Not even asked, expected, and sometimes demanded.
At home, we are expected to make sure the house is taken care of. At work we are perceived as less competent than our male counterparts. In society, we are victims of harassment and gender-based violence.
Though we don’t talk about it, the odds are against us. We have so many responsibilities and self-proving to do.
Still we rise.
This poem expresses that a woman is resilient, persistent, strong, driven, patient, fearless, accepting, committed and many more.