Daily Forum Link

Use this link to join the Forum daily: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84046413335?pwd=UjFUTHNIeks1RzJtVFMwWnJid2pmUT09

It is the same link that is on the cover of the programme.

Parallel Sessions

Below are the presentations that will be in the parallel sessions taking place on Day 2 (Wednesday, 26 October) at 11:15.  

To join each parallel session, you must open the respective link:

The Future of Collections and Data Management: 
Joining link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83661810568?pwd=OE93cHJnbjNuWVdUQkZQNis4Lzd2UT09
Meeting ID: 836 6181 0568
Passcode: 923764

Showcasing your Science: 
Joining link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82957479633?pwd=SExHaHRaYmdGdk9nUzJBV05TdGRHQT09
Meeting ID: 829 5747 9633
Passcode: 841678

Cultivating Young Leaders: 
Joining link: https://zoom.us/j/93885059644?pwd=VW5tQThuMVhLcWk1dHBwSklQZmdoUT09
Meeting ID: 938 8505 9644
Passcode: 964334

NSCF Virtual Forum 2022: 25-28 October 2022

Keep an eye on the Forum webpage for Forum-related updates: