Terry Reynolds Berry, Iziko Museums of South Africa
This was my first year attending the NSCF Forum, of which I was able to sit in on days 1 and 2. I was most delighted to meet several fellow entomologists in the group chats, yay for insect lovers! I really enjoyed the meditation; and the videos of the 16 institutions was really amazing. My favourite by far was when Allison Ruiters gave her personal reflections of her journey with the NSCF. My favourite quotes were:
“I was the only female, the only person of colour and the only person without a title of Dr. of Prof. in front of my name and there I was fighting for dead animals and plants”
“I had to confront the fact that whilst I was there for my individual development, I was in fact holding the space for my fellow women, fellow black colleagues, fellow white colleagues, those that came before me, were with me and those that would come after me”.
“Access, that’s why I am so passionate about museums, be true to my soul always, and brave and humble and kind, making science a lived experience for African children. Provide resources of time, the scarcest commodity of all”
Someone once told me that post-docs are the workhorses of an institution. So as emerging scientists, we can get so caught up in the rat race to publish and prove ourselves of our new found title. However, we don’t take enough moments to reflect on why we do what we do. In one of the group sessions I was asked why I love my job, and my answer was simple; I love that the potential parasitoid wasps have to feed into biological control in agriculture to eliminate the use of pesticides, but to know who is parasitizing who, we need to describe them first.
My friends and family would make such a big fuss about me having a PhD, whilst I really didn’t think it was such a big deal. Allison reminded me why it is, and it is something I have taken for granted. I am the first in my family to hold a doctorate, I am a young emerging coloured scientist, and I hold the space for my fellow women who came before me, are with me, and who would come after me.It is a privilege.
Whilst many lost their jobs due to COVID-19, Iziko gave me a job during hard lockdown and they’re paying me to work on wasps! How crazy is that? And what we do at the museum IS important, it provides access and resources of time, and that’s inspiring. Thank you for the reminder Allison.