Oct 18, 2021 | Latest, Value of Collections
As part of the Value of Collections project, the NSCF is conducting a survey on the broader researcher community perceptions of the value and use of South African natural science collections, and how access to collections and performance is judged It is hoped that the...
Oct 5, 2021 | Latest, Value of Collections, Value of collections Showcase
Our October showcase will focus on how the collections contribute to indigenous knowledge and local identity. If you are interested to contribute to this showcase please contact Shanelle at shanelle@nscf.org.za as soon as possible. The word count for your story should...
Oct 5, 2021 | Events, Latest, Value of Collections, Value of collections webinar series, Webinars
What stories are behind the iconic, extinct and historically important specimens that we have as a country? These specimens record the natural history of animals and plants, both existing and extinct. This record contributes to our understanding of the natural world...